ncRNA name | ncRNA Category | Disease name | Species | Tissues/Cell_line | Expression pattern | PubMed ID | Detail |
AC002064.5 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
AC003092.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
AC004540.5 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
AC007879.7 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
AC009784.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
AC017002.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
AC018647.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
AC022007.5 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
AC023137.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
AC079610.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
AC084082.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
AC090505.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
AC090505.6 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
AC092614.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
AC106053.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
AC106706.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
AC147651.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
Akt siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell lines | associated | 27881235 | Detail |
AMPK siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | primary choroidal UM cell line: Mel202, Mel270, Mel290, 92.1 and OCM1A; liver metastasis cell line from Mel270: Omm1.3 | associated | 23443802 | Detail |
ANRIL | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell line OM431; human cutaneous melanoma cell line A375 | up-regulated | 27461581 | Detail |
B-Raf siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell line 92.1, Mel270, OCM-1 and TP31 | associated | 16452469 | Detail |
B-RafV599E siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | choroidal melanoma cell line OCM-1, MKT-BR and SP-6.5, normal choroidal melanocytes | associated | 12917419 | Detail |
bta-miR-2287 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Bos taurus | dog UM samples | down-regulated | 28512868 | Detail |
bta-miR-2382 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Bos taurus | dog UM samples | down-regulated | 28512868 | Detail |
bta-miR-2398 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Bos taurus | dog UM samples | down-regulated | 28512868 | Detail |
bta-miR-2411 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Bos taurus | dog UM samples | down-regulated | 28512868 | Detail |
c-Met siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell lines M23 and SP6.5 | associated | 22848417 | Detail |
c-Met siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell lines C918, Mel290, Mel285, Omm1.3, Omm1, 92.1 | associated | 24140933 | Detail |
CANT1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell lines MUM2B, 92.1, OCM1, OCM1A, OM431 and SP6.5; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T; RPE cell line ARPE19; female uveal tissue cell line FPC1 | down-regulated | 28330694 | Detail |
cfa-miR-124 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Canis familiaris | UM samples | up-regulated | 28512868 | Detail |
cfa-miR-130b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Canis familiaris | UM samples | up-regulated | 28512868 | Detail |
cfa-miR-155 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Canis familiaris | UM samples | up-regulated | 28512868 | Detail |
cfa-miR-182 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Canis familiaris | UM samples | up-regulated | 28512868 | Detail |
cfa-miR-362 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Canis familiaris | UM samples | up-regulated | 28512868 | Detail |
CITF22-92A6.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CREB shRNA | shRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell lines OMM2.5 and Mel270 | associated | 29899845 | Detail |
CRNDE | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, blood | associated | 23861464 | Detail |
CTB-30L5.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTB-60B18.10 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTC-296K1.4 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTC-350I8.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTC-360G5.9 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTC-448D22.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTC-498J12.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTC-523E23.4 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTD-2015H3.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTD-2015H3.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTD-2081C10.7 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTD-2143L24.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTD-2171N6.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTD-2199O4.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTD-2199O4.7 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTD-2227I18.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTD-2349P21.5 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTD-2528L19.6 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTD-3025N20.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CTD-3064H18.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
CXCR4 siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell line OCM3 | associated | 19553629 | Detail |
E6/E7 siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell lines OCM1, OM431, VUP and SP6.5 | associated | 23494180 | Detail |
FABP3 siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | primary UM cell line 92.1 | associated | 22570344 | Detail |
FENDRR | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
FOXCUT | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | choroidal melanocytes, cell line:C918 | down-regulated | 29260433 | Detail |
FTH1P3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29095823 | Detail |
FTX | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell lines MUM2B, 92.1, OCM1, OCM1A, OM431 and SP6.5; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T; RPE cell line ARPE19; female uveal tissue cell line FPC1 | down-regulated | 28330694 | Detail |
GNAQ siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell lines OCM1, OMM2.3 and 92.1 | associated | 30320917 | Detail |
GNAQ siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | primary choroidal UM cell line: Mel202, Mel270, Mel290, 92.1 and OCM1A; liver metastasis cell line from Mel270: Omm1.3 | associated | 23443802 | Detail |
HCCAT5 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
HIF-1α shRNA | shRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell lines OCM1, Mel285, Mel290, 92.1 and OMM1 | associated | 25166211 | Detail |
HOXA11-AS | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples; UM cell lines OCM-1A, MUM-2C, C918 and MUM-2B; melanocyte cell line D78 | up-regulated | 28749709 | Detail |
hsa-circRNA10088-11 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | up-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa-circRNA10088-5 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | up-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa-circRNA10628-6 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | up-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa-circRNA11838-9 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | up-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa-circRNA13657-1 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | down-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa-circRNA4393-3 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | up-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa-let-7b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell lines OCM1 and OM431 | down-regulated | 25588203 | Detail |
hsa-let-7b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 18477892 | Detail |
hsa-let-7b* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-let-7d | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-let-7e | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | absence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-let-7f | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-mir-1 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | absence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-1 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-101 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-106a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | blood | down-regulated | 23217102 | Detail |
hsa-miR-106a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal choroidal samples | up-regulated | 21509659 | Detail |
hsa-miR-107 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 | detectable | 25510783 | Detail |
hsa-mir-10a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | absence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-10b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-1224-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-1225-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-1227 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-1227 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-1234 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-1237 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-1238 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-124 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 | detectable | 25510783 | Detail |
hsa-miR-124 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples; UM cell lines OCM-1A, MUM-2C, C918 and MUM-2B ; melanocyte cell line D78 | associated | 28749709 | Detail |
hsa-miR-124a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples and their adjacent uveal tissue counterparts; human UM cell lines M17, M21, M23 and SP6.5 | down-regulated | 23404119 | Detail |
hsa-miR-125a-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-125a-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 | detectable | 25510783 | Detail |
hsa-miR-125b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 | detectable | 25510783 | Detail |
hsa-miR-125b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | up-regulated | 24370793 | Detail |
hsa-miR-125b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-126 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | blood | up-regulated | 23217102 | Detail |
hsa-miR-126* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-127 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | serum | down-regulated | 27895580 | Detail |
hsa-miR-1274B | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | serum | down-regulated | 27895580 | Detail |
hsa-miR-129* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | absence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-129-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-129-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 | detectable | 25510783 | Detail |
hsa-miR-1296 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-130b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-133a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-133a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | absence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-134 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-134 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 26812476 | Detail |
hsa-miR-135a* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-135a* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-135b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-mir-135b* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | presence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-137 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell lines M17, M2 and SP6.5; human uveal melanocytes um95; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293 | down-regulated | 21051724 | Detail |
hsa-miR-137 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human RPE cell line ARPE-19, human normal liver cell line L‐02, human UM cell lines: SP6.5 and OM431 | down-regulated | 24001901 | Detail |
hsa-miR-137 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-137 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell lines Mel202 and OMM1.3 | associated | 26066330 | Detail |
hsa-miR-140 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples and paired normal tissues; UM cell lines MUM-2C, OCM-1A, MUM-2B and C918; melanocyte cell line D78 | down-regulated | 27725873 | Detail |
hsa-miR-140-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-140-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-142-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-142-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-143 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 26812476 | Detail |
hsa-miR-143 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 18477892 | Detail |
hsa-miR-143-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal samples | down-regulated | 24762580 | Detail |
hsa-miR-144 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-144 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell lines MUM-2B, C918, MUM-2C and OCM-1A; human melanocyte cell line D78 | down-regulated | 25961751 | Detail |
hsa-miR-145 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal choroidal samples | down-regulated | 21509659 | Detail |
hsa-miR-145-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal samples; human UM cell lines OCM-1 and MUM2B | down-regulated | 24762580 | Detail |
hsa-miR-146a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | vitreous humor, serum, UM tumor samples, choroidal melanocytes | up-regulated | 25951497 | Detail |
hsa-miR-146a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, serum | up-regulated | 27895580 | Detail |
hsa-miR-146a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | vitreous humor, serum, normal retinas, UM samples | up-regulated | 23441115 | Detail |
hsa-miR-146a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | up-regulated | 24370793 | Detail |
hsa-miR-146b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 26812476 | Detail |
hsa-miR-149 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-149* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 26812476 | Detail |
hsa-miR-152 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-mir-154 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | absence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-155 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | up-regulated | 24370793 | Detail |
hsa-miR-155 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-155 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | choroidal melanomas samples and their morphologically normal tissues; human UM cell lines OCM-1A, MUM-2C, C918 and MUM-2B; human melanocyte cell line D78 | up-regulated | 29333944 | Detail |
hsa-miR-155 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | NK cells; UM cell lines MUM2B, OCM1, NK-92, SKMEL-28, Daudi and K562 | up-regulated | 27565163 | Detail |
hsa-miR-15a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361 and GR-M; UM cell line OCM-1; cutaneous melanomas, UM samples, normal skin specimens | up-regulated | 26631117 | Detail |
hsa-miR-15b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | up-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-15b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-16 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | blood | down-regulated | 23217102 | Detail |
hsa-miR-17 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal choroidal samples | up-regulated | 21509659 | Detail |
hsa-miR-17* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-181a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-181a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | up-regulated | 24370793 | Detail |
hsa-mir-181a* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | absence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-181a-2* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-181b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell lines SP6.5, VUP, OCM1, 92-1, OCM1a and MUM2b | up-regulated | 29382357 | Detail |
hsa-miR-181d | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-182 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell lines M23 and SP6.5; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK-293; UM samples, normal uveal tissues | down-regulated | 22848417 | Detail |
hsa-miR-182 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human RPE cell line ARPE-19, human normal liver cell line L‐02, human UM cell lines: SP6.5 and OM431 | down-regulated | 24001901 | Detail |
hsa-miR-183 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-185 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361 and GR-M; UM cell line OCM-1; cutaneous melanomas, UM samples, normal skin specimens | up-regulated | 26631117 | Detail |
hsa-miR-185* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-188-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-18a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | absence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-18b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-190 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-191 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | up-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-193b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-193b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 18477892 | Detail |
hsa-miR-194 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-195 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | associated | 30615885 | Detail |
hsa-miR-195 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-196a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-196a* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | presence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-199a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | blood | up-regulated | 23217102 | Detail |
hsa-miR-199a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 18477892 | Detail |
hsa-miR-199a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 26812476 | Detail |
hsa-miR-199a* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 18477892 | Detail |
hsa-miR-199a-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | up-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-199a-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM‐1A; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T | up-regulated | 30816460 | Detail |
hsa-miR-19a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | serum | down-regulated | 27895580 | Detail |
hsa-miR-19a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 | detectable | 25510783 | Detail |
hsa-miR-19b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | up-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-mir-19b-1* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | absence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-203 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 | detectable | 25510783 | Detail |
hsa-miR-204 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal choroidal samples | down-regulated | 21509659 | Detail |
hsa-miR-204 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | differentially expressed | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-204-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal samples | down-regulated | 24762580 | Detail |
hsa-miR-208b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-20a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples; UM cell lines MUM-2B and MUM-2C; normal human melanocyte cell line D78 | up-regulated | 27356499 | Detail |
hsa-miR-20a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal choroidal samples | up-regulated | 21509659 | Detail |
hsa-miR-20a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | up-regulated | 24370793 | Detail |
hsa-miR-21 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal choroidal samples | up-regulated | 21509659 | Detail |
hsa-miR-21 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-21 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | vitreous humor, UM tumor samples, choroidal melanocytes | up-regulated | 25951497 | Detail |
hsa-miR-21 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | normal uveal tissues; UM cell lines OCM-1, M619 and MuM-2B | up-regulated | 30140627 | Detail |
hsa-miR-210 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-210 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 | detectable | 25510783 | Detail |
hsa-miR-211 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361 and GR-M; UM cell line OCM-1; cutaneous melanomas, UM samples, normal skin specimens | up-regulated | 26631117 | Detail |
hsa-miR-214 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 26812476 | Detail |
hsa-miR-216a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 | detectable | 25510783 | Detail |
hsa-miR-216a-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell lines, human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T; UM samples | down-regulated | 29763606 | Detail |
hsa-miR-217 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 | detectable | 25510783 | Detail |
hsa-mir-218 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | absence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-221 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-221 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | up-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-222 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-222* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-223 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | up-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-223 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | up-regulated | 24370793 | Detail |
hsa-miR-224 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | associated | 30615885 | Detail |
hsa-miR-224-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM‐1A; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T | down-regulated | 30825222 | Detail |
hsa-miR-224-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | uveal tissues | down-regulated | 29095823 | Detail |
hsa-miR-23a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | up-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-23b* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-25 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 | detectable | 25510783 | Detail |
hsa-miR-25 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | up-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-25 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-26a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | vitreous humor, serum, normal retinas, UM samples | up-regulated | 23441115 | Detail |
hsa-miR-26a-2* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | absence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-27a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell line C918 | associated | 19639204 | Detail |
hsa-miR-27a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-27a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | up-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-296-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | choroidal melanocytes; UM cell line C918 | down-regulated | 29260433 | Detail |
hsa-miR-299-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-301a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-301b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-30b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-30d | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-30d | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361 and GR-M; UM cell line OCM-1; cutaneous melanomas, UM samples, normal skin specimens | up-regulated | 26631117 | Detail |
hsa-miR-30d | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | serum | down-regulated | 27895580 | Detail |
hsa-miR-30e | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-31 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-32* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-320a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-320a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 | detectable | 25510783 | Detail |
hsa-miR-324-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-324-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-mir-325 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | presence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-328 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-335 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-335 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 | detectable | 25510783 | Detail |
hsa-miR-337-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-33a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-33a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | presence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-340 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-342-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | up-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-34a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | vitreous humor, UM tumor samples, choroidal melanocytes | up-regulated | 25951497 | Detail |
hsa-miR-34a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell lines M17, M21, M23 and SP6.5; human melanocyte cell line D78; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293; human UM specimens | down-regulated | 19029026 | Detail |
hsa-miR-34a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal choroidal samples | up-regulated | 21509659 | Detail |
hsa-miR-34a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human RPE cell line ARPE-19, human normal liver cell line L‐02, human UM cell lines: SP6.5 and OM431 | down-regulated | 24001901 | Detail |
hsa-miR-34a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | differentially expressed | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-34a* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-34b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell line SP6.5, human primary melanocytes; human UM specimens | down-regulated | 22419847 | Detail |
hsa-miR-34c | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell line SP6.5, human primary melanocytes; human UM specimens | down-regulated | 22419847 | Detail |
hsa-miR-34c-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | absence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-362-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-365a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | associated | 30615885 | Detail |
hsa-miR-365b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | associated | 30615885 | Detail |
hsa-miR-367 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples and paired non-tumorous tissues; UM cell lines M17, M23, MUM-2B and C918; normal uveal melanocytes (um95) | up-regulated | 28829890 | Detail |
hsa-miR-369-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | absence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-369-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-370 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-370 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 | detectable | 25510783 | Detail |
hsa-miR-371-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-376a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-376c | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | absence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-376c | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-377 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | absence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-378 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-378* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-378* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-378d | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal samples | up-regulated | 24762580 | Detail |
hsa-miR-378g | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal samples | up-regulated | 24762580 | Detail |
hsa-miR-384 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-423-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-431* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-432 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-4430 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | dog UM samples | up-regulated | 28512868 | Detail |
hsa-miR-4454 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | dog UM samples | up-regulated | 28512868 | Detail |
hsa-miR-449b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-449b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-451 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | serum | down-regulated | 27895580 | Detail |
hsa-miR-452 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | associated | 30615885 | Detail |
hsa-miR-454 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples and their morphologically normal tissues; human UM cell lines OCM‐1A, MUM‐2C, C918 and MUM‐2B; human melanocyte cell line D78 | up-regulated | 26296312 | Detail |
hsa-miR-455-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-455-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-4709 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | associated | 30615885 | Detail |
hsa-miR-4742-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | dog UM samples | up-regulated | 28512868 | Detail |
hsa-miR-484 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-486-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-486-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 | detectable | 25510783 | Detail |
hsa-miR-493* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | absence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-495 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | absence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-497* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | presence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-499-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-500a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | dog UM samples | up-regulated | 28512868 | Detail |
hsa-miR-505 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-506 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-507 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-508-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM‐1A; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T | down-regulated | 30816460 | Detail |
hsa-miR-508-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-509-3-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-509-3-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM‐1A; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T | down-regulated | 30816460 | Detail |
hsa-miR-509-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-512-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | presence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-513a-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM‐1A; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T | down-regulated | 30816460 | Detail |
hsa-miR-513a-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-513b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-513c | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | associated | 30615885 | Detail |
hsa-miR-513c-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM‐1A; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T | down-regulated | 30816460 | Detail |
hsa-miR-514 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-514a-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM‐1A; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T | down-regulated | 30816460 | Detail |
hsa-miR-518b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-518c | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-518d-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-518f | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | serum | down-regulated | 27895580 | Detail |
hsa-miR-523 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | serum | up-regulated | 27895580 | Detail |
hsa-miR-532-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-532-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-541 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-542-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-549 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | presence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-551b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | differentially expressed | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-mir-556-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | presence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-566 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-571 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-577 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-579 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-584 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-585 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | presence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-586 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | absence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-588 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-592 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM‐1A; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T | up-regulated | 30816460 | Detail |
hsa-miR-592 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-595 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-623 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-624 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-624* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-628-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-629* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-mir-640 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | presence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-651 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-651 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-652 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 18477892 | Detail |
hsa-miR-654-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-654-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-654-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-655 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-660 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-663 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-663 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-665 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-668 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-671-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-744 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-767-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-7702 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | associated | 30615885 | Detail |
hsa-miR-873 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | associated | 30615885 | Detail |
hsa-miR-875-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-876-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-885-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-mir-885-5p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | presence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-892b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-9 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 | detectable | 25510783 | Detail |
hsa-miR-9 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell lines MUM-2B, C918, MUM-2C and OCM-1A | down-regulated | 22825752 | Detail |
hsa-miR-9* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-9* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 | detectable | 25510783 | Detail |
hsa-miR-92a-3p | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell lines OCM-1, OCM-3 and 92.1; UM samples, normal skin specimens | down-regulated | 27620505 | Detail |
hsa-miR-92b | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, plasma | up-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-93 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | plasma | up-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-935 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-miR-944 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-96 | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | up-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa-miR-99a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 27453764 | Detail |
hsa-mir-99a* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | presence | 19898689 | Detail |
hsa-miR-99b* | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) | down-regulated | 24675509 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0032148 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | down-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0047924 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | up-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0053943 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | up-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0054525 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | down-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0056902 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | up-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0096593 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | down-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0097065 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | up-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0102350 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | down-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0103232 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | up-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0108830 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | up-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0119311 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | down-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0119871 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | up-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0119872 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | up-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0119873 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | up-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0128533 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | up-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0133460 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | down-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0138937 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | down-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0138938 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | down-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0138940 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | down-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0138941 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | down-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
hsa_circ_0138943 | circRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal uveal tissues | down-regulated | 30700934 | Detail |
HULC | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
JPX | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell lines MUM2B, 92.1, OCM1, OCM1A, OM431 and SP6.5; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T; RPE cell line ARPE19; female uveal tissue cell line FPC1 | down-regulated | 28330694 | Detail |
KB-1732A1.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
LINC-ROR | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line 92.1, OCM1 and MUM2B; UM samples | up-regulated | 26169368 | Detail |
LINC00115 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
LINC00297 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
LINC00304 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
LINC00311 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
LINC00327 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
LINC00466 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
LINC00518 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
LINC00977 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
LINC01057 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
LINC01106 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
LINC01123 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
lncRNA-numb | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell lines OCM-1, OCM-1A, Mum-2B and SP6.5; immortalized fibroblast cell line HDF | up-regulated | 27449031 | Detail |
MALAT1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples and paired normal tissues; UM cell lines MUM-2C, OCM-1A, MUM-2B and C918; melanocyte cell line D78 | up-regulated | 27725873 | Detail |
mml-miR-548c | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Macaca mulatta | dog UM samples | up-regulated | 28512868 | Detail |
mmu-miR-27a | miRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Mus musculus | UM samples | associated | 19639204 | Detail |
Notch1 siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell lines OCM1 and VUP | associated | 22937170 | Detail |
Notch1 siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Mus musculus | UM samples | associated | 22937170 | Detail |
P2RX7-V3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell lines MUM2B and OM431; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T | up-regulated | 27468714 | Detail |
PAUPAR | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell lines MUM2B, OCM1, OM431; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T; human RPE cell line ARPE-19 | down-regulated | 27214741 | Detail |
PKA siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell line 92.1, Mel270, OCM-1 and TP31 | associated | 16452469 | Detail |
PKCβ shRNA | shRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell lines Mel202, Omm1.3, C918 and Mel285 | associated | 22253748 | Detail |
PKCε shRNA | shRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell lines Mel202, Omm1.3 and C918 | associated | 22253748 | Detail |
PKCθ shRNA | shRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell lines Mel202, Omm1.3, C918 and Mel285 | associated | 22253748 | Detail |
PVT1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, skin melanoma samples | up-regulated | 29244840 | Detail |
RASSF1A siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples, normal scleral/choroidal tissue; human UM cell lines: 92.1, Mel270, OCM-1, Mum2B, TP17, m2, m2F | associated | 21788308 | Detail |
RHPN1-AS1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line OM431, OCM1; RPE cells | up-regulated | 28124977 | Detail |
Rictor shRNA | shRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human cutaneous cell line A375; human UM cell line MUM‐2B | associated | 28699701 | Detail |
RP1-272L16.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP1-79C4.4 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-1149M10.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-128L5.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-12M5.4 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-143A22.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-148L24.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-148O21.6 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-14N7.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-150O12.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-15H20.7 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-15I11.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-17E13.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-181E10.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-1C8.5 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-254I22.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-258F22.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-262H14.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-302M6.5 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-304F15.4 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-307C19.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-313D6.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-329N22.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-333O1.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-351J23.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-354A14.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-367J11.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-367N14.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-370F5.4 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-379B18.5 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-379B8.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-381N20.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-383J24.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-387H17.4 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-394I13.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-395G23.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-408B11.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-408E5.5 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-419I17.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-426C22.6 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-435O5.7 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-439C15.5 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-452H21.4 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-457M11.5 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-461L13.4 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-488C13.7 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-495K9.5 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-495P10.7 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-496D24.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-533E19.7 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-539L10.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-542B15.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-551L14.4 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-575H3.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-602N24.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-613D13.8 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-626H12.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-642M2.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-643A5.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-666A20.4 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-667K14.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-672F9.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-705O1.8 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-71E19.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-766N7.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-794G24.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-797D24.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-803B1.8 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-803D5.4 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-863P13.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-879F14.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-879F14.3 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-930P14.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP11-98G7.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP13-616I3.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP13-977J11.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP3-355L5.5 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP3-454B23.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP4-550H1.4 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP4-655J12.4 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP4-777O23.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP4-811H24.9 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP5-1050E16.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP5-834N19.1 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP5-903G2.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP5-940F7.2 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
RP5-963E22.4 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
SCGB1B2P | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
SDCBP siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UB cell lines Mel 270 and 92.1 | associated | 22267972 | Detail |
SOS1 siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell line M23 | associated | 30714452 | Detail |
SPACA6P-AS | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
SPARC siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | human UM cell lines SP6.5, MKTBR and OCM-1; transformed human melanocyte cell line UW-1 | associated | 19661316 | Detail |
TCONS_00000637 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00001049 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00001626 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00002511 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00003875 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00003932 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00004101 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00004102 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00004115 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00004119 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00004845 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00005600 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00005604 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00005612 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00005614 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00006199 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00006749 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00006776 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00008169 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00010728 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00011428 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00012452 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00012463 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00012664 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00012670 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00012816 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00014094 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00014691 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00015511 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00015518 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00019184 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00021816 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00024291 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00028051 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00028318 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00034325 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00034334 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00038470 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00038483 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00040991 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00041982 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00041991 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00045086 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00045405 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00048611 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00050077 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00053435 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00053639 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00056396 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00058398 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00058406 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00058409 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00060671 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00060675 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00060715 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00061684 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00063280 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00063291 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00063323 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00066046 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00067656 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00067660 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00067662 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00067664 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00067673 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00070966 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00073372 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00077006 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00077982 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00079730 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00084884 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00084895 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00087662 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00088217 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00088467 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00093805 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00099892 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00103343 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00107718 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00107725 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00107956 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00113745 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00114527 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00117696 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00117737 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00121025 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00121784 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00121831 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00121841 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00131278 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00131431 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00133423 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00133431 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00133650 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00136408 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00136409 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00137743 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00139588 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00144682 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00145282 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00148295 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00148408 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00148409 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00151467 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00152167 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00153695 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00157546 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00160032 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00160915 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00165544 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00165549 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00165778 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00168124 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00168132 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00168134 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00168140 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00168142 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00168588 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00168826 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00169789 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00170125 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00170380 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00170381 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00170384 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00170503 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00171922 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00172568 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00174193 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00174204 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00174974 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00181571 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00184304 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00184966 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00188710 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00189109 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00189112 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00189114 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00192630 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00192814 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00192840 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00192862 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00193066 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00193093 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00193344 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00196789 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00197283 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00198396 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00200289 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00200334 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00204781 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00207435 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00208584 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00209032 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00209037 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00210060 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00212298 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00212468 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00212961 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00213567 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00213571 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00213579 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00213628 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00213854 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00214923 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00216518 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00216606 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00218420 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00218427 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00219150 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00219821 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00220203 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00220208 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00220209 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00220735 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00223095 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00226044 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00226201 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00226204 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00227284 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00228161 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | up-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00229523 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00230457 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00231759 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00231762 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00232449 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TCONS_00239670 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
TPI1 siRNA | siRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | primary UM cell line 92.1 | associated | 22570344 | Detail |
XIST | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM cell lines MUM2B, 92.1, OCM1, OCM1A, OM431 and SP6.5; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T; RPE cell line ARPE19; female uveal tissue cell line FPC1 | up-regulated | 28330694 | Detail |
XXbac-BPG55C20.7 | lncRNA | uveal melanoma (UM) | Homo sapiens | UM samples | down-regulated | 29240458 | Detail |
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