ncRNA name | Cx46 siRNA |
ncRNA Category | siRNA |
Disease name | retinoblastoma (RB) |
Species | Homo sapiens |
Tissues/Cell_line | human RB cell line Y79 |
Methods | cell viability assay, siRNA transfection, Western blot |
Expression pattern | associated |
Functional description | Cx46 siRNA treated Y79 tumors had a reduced tumor volume when compared to the tumors of mice receiving the negative control siRNA or no siRNA. Knockdown of Cx46 with siRNA had an antitumor effect on human Y79 retinoblastoma tumors in the nude mouse model. |
PubMed ID | 21320488 |
Year | 2011 |
Title | Treatment with connexin 46 siRNA suppresses the growth of human Y79 retinoblastoma cell xenografts in vivo. |
Drug-related ncRNA | NO |
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